"complete with handy guides on how you, too, can get in on the gold" -
For years we've been writing in-depth reports on the SEO industry at our sister site, Detailed.com.
I'm honored to have had these reports mentioned on the likes TechCrunch, BusinessInsider, Forbes and The Financial Times.
More recently we started producing quarterly updates on the state of SEO, where each edition has been read by 10,000+ unique visitors. (This wasn't expected and I'm hugely appreciative of anyone who reads and shares my work).
During my research for Detailed I constantly come across interesting success stories that don't really fit into the topic of SEO, and knew I had to relaunch Gaps as a place to share them.
I think we can provide a unique viewpoint (relatable, inspiring success stories for people growing startups) that isn't easy to come by elsewhere.
I can't wait to share what we've been working on, and I really hope you find these reports valuable.
- Glen Allsopp
P.S. If you like, you can find me on X (Twitter) & LinkedIn