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"complete with handy guides on how you, too, can get in on the gold" -

Our Reporting Philosophy

Written by Glen Allsopp | +1,208 this month
September 3, 2024

We don’t share data from leaked internal memos

This is not us:

People should be happy we’re talking about them. Not scared about what we might find.

We cover digital-first businesses, rather than offline services with an online element.

That’s it.

We cover digital first brands that you or I have a chance to build no matter where we are in the world.

Thousands of other publications talk about offline businesses. We don’t.

For the most part, we trust the revenue numbers people share.

If someone is open about their sites, background and success, we’ll likely trust them. Unless their sharing of revenue is primarily used to sell a course or service promising similar success.

We have no problem with courses – some of the most successful people in the world shares their insights in Ted talks, on Masterclass, etc.

We’ll always make it clear when a source of revenue is from that person themselves, so you can come to your own conclusions.

We're a small bootstrapped team, trying to share some of the best SEO insights and niche opportunities on the internet. Clicking the heart tells us what you enjoy reading. Social sharing is appreciated (and always noticed). – Glen Allsopp

Tracking successful online startups to find gaps in the market.

"complete with handy guides on how you, too, can get in on the gold." - Bloomberg

    Digital First

    We only track companies that started online and primarily make money online (blogs, SaaS, eCom & similar). No car manufacturers here.

    Fresh Data

    We want revenue numbers from the last 24 months, at the latest. If we can't find that, we don't cover it (with the rare, noted exception).

    In-Depth Research

    We're known for creating exhaustive guides on every niche, making sure we don't miss a success story that could inspire you.